Spiral Body is an integrated arts collective dedicated to exploring the spaces between body and place, language and meaning, sound and space, past and future, technology and art, together and other.

Spiral Body is a permanent vehicle, always in motion, with no specific location to call home but wherever space it may find itself in the moment defines its present shape. Similar to the way sound exists momentarily in a certain time and space, moving outward and exploring directions, reacting when responding to textures and outer physical limits, Spiral Body is a site-specific existence. It perhaps is most comfortable in the crevices and cracks, existing in the present while highlighting the forgotten and imagining the yet unseen aspects of the future.

Spiral Body shares characteristics with the way sound exists momentarily in a certain time and space before seeming to disintegrate, and this sound format allows Japanese poet and multimedia artist Mami Takahashi, American sound/installation artist Adrian McBride, Filipino-American visual/performance artist, Palmarin Merges, and American sound artist, Brian Lee to exist in a time and space, call it home, and disappear without a trace. We specialize in outdoor surround sound landscapes using portable speakers, and live performances which feature the space itself as the main character.